Journals for rookies
Inoue Methods作成者にはよく、査読依頼とともに、投稿依頼や案内が来ます。
Invitation to submit an article
以下はIM Mentorに来た論文投稿の招待状です。公開も問題ないと思いますので、ここに記載します。このように多くの雑誌が、論文投稿を期待しています。この雑誌に関して言いますと、投稿から採否まで28日とスピーディであることを謳っています。
特に若手研究者に関して言いますと、IM MentorはMedlineに掲載されることが大事と思っていますので、こうした雑誌は考慮に値いすると思います。
Dear Dr. Inoue,
I am writing to invite you to submit an article to ISRN Family Medicine, which is a fast track peer reviewed journal for original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of family medicine. The
average review time for the ISRN series of journals is 28 days from the point of submission until a final decision has been reached.
ISRN Family Medicine is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online at without the need for a subscription. All manuscripts that are submitted to the
journal during the month of November 2012 will not be subject to any page charges, color charges, or article processing charges.
The journal has a distinguished editorial board composed of leading family medicine researchers from around the world. A current list of the journal's editors can be found at
Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal online at Once a
manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation in order to provide the highest publication quality possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the journal.
Best regards,
(Editor Name)