Short reportを書こう

多くの雑誌が、Original articleの一つとしてコンパクトなShort reportを掲載しています。雑誌によってはBried reportとか、Short communicationとも呼ばれています。


位置づけとしては概して言ってOriginal articles(原著)のコンパクト版です。典型的には、

・150-200語程度のStructured abstractないしSummary





(Full)original articleもShort reportも原著である

Original article:その論文のトピックにおいて人々の知見を進める論文

Short report:上記は同じ、ただし簡潔な小作品


Note:メッセージを伝えたい、一番簡潔なスタイルにする。That's enough!

Short report(あるいは同カテゴリ)の投稿規定例

Brief reportの例(Diabetic Medicine)

Short Reports Brief (1500 words, with one Figure and one Table and up to 30 references) reports of original or important observations. Rapid publication can be offered in this category.



Brief reportの例(Diabetes Care)

Brief Reports. A Brief Report can be formatted in one of two ways:

As a clinical observation/research report consisting of a structured abstract stating the study's objectives, followed by a short introduction (2–3 sentences) and four concise sections: "Research Design and Methods," "Results," "Conclusions," and "References."

Neither format should exceed the allowed word count limit. (See Section 6, “Manuscript Format and Style,” for further information.)

Brief Reports must include a structured abstract and may contain either one table or one figure, but not both.

As a case report/case study consisting of a structured abstract, followed by a short introduction (2-3 sentences) and four sections: "History and Examination" describes the patient and provides a brief history; "Investigation" discusses the treatment findings and results; "Conclusions" summarizes the importance of the findings/results in one or two paragraphs; and "References."

Brief Reports should include no more than 15 references.
A structured abstract for a Brief Report should not exceed 150 words. The word limit for the main text is 1,000 words. Do not count words in the tables, figures, legends, the title page, acknowledgments, or references.

The abstract must be self-contained and clear without reference to the text and should be written for a general journal readership. The abstract format should include four sections that reflect the section headings in the main text.

A conflict-of-interest statement for all authors must be included in the main document, following the text, in the Acknowledgments section. If authors have no relevant conflict of interest to disclose, it should be indicated in the Acknowledgments section.




Brief Reportの例(Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice)

Brief Reports should not exceed 1000 words, including a summary of no more than 50 words (but not including up to 20 references) and may be a preliminary report of work completed, a final report or an observation not requiring a lengthy write-up.  



Short communicationの例(Medical Teacher)

Short communications are brief articles on matters of topical interest or work in progress, limited to two pages (maximum 1700 words) to include title page, notes on contributors, abstract, text, references and one small table (optional). 

*Diabetic Medicineより若干長い。医学教育や社会医学系の雑誌は(Full articleも含めて)そういう傾向があります。

なお、Submission experienceに、Short reportの初稿から査読を経て受理された第2稿までの各プロセスのファイルを掲載しています。