論文投稿のProcess: Submission and correspondence
ここでは、以下のDiabetic Medicineに掲載された論文(Short report)の投稿、そして査読に対するResponseとRevise版などを提示します。
Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Akimoto K. The threshold for definition of impaired fasting glucose in a Japanese population. Diabet Med. 2009 Nov;26(11):1175-8.
なお、Diabetic Medicine: Exclusive Licence Formを著者らは提出しており、その規定に沿って、論文掲載12か月後以降では、論文の受理バージョンやそれ以前の提出原稿などを著者らが自分たちのWebsiteに、「正規論文へのリンクを含めた上で」掲載することを認めています。
After acceptance: Provided that you give appropriate acknowledgement to the Journal, Diabetes UK and Blackwell Publishing, and full bibliographic reference for the Article when it is published, you may use the accepted version of the Article as originally submitted for publication in the Journal, and updated to include any amendments made after peer review, in the following ways:
・12 months after publication you may post an electronic version of the Article on your own personal website, on your employer‟s website/repository and on free public servers in your subject area. Electronic versions of the accepted Article must include a link to the published version of the Article together with the following text: „The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com‟.