- ホーム
- COVID-19と結核
- 理念
- 教員
- 2つの学と楽
- 勤務場所
- Web資料
- All that jazz
- Education
- Research
- 論文
- 学会発表
- ブログ
- Journals
- Inoue Methods
- そもそも論文とは
- Inoue Methods
- Reference database
- Before startup
- Making your team
- Basics & Writing wheel
- Authorship
- What to write
- Where to submit
- Basic ’4 pieces’ set
- Abstract
- Abstract vs. Main text
- Main Text sequence
- Methods
- Results (fugures & tables)
- Introduction phase 1
- Discussion
- Introduction phase 2 (fair copy)
- Abstract and Title (last)
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Checkpoints
- Minerva (special!)
- 小論文の推奨
- Submission experience
- Writing experience
- 研究の効率化
- Software
- 研究実施関連
- 論文の査読
- 学会プレゼンテーション
- IM Mentoring@Warpspeed
- Inoue Methods Mentor
- Warehouse
- Correspondence