
1997年に初めての英文論文を出しました。それから現在までの全英語論文です。手前味噌ですが、筆頭と第2(=論文指導)著者が多いです。多分8割を超えているでしょう。それから、総著者数も少ないです、日本の悪しき慣習であるGift Authorshipとは無縁ですので(笑)。


1.    Inoue K, Sawada T, Suge H, Nao Y, Igarashi M. Spouse concordance of obesity, blood pressures and serum risk factors for atherosclerosis. Journal of Human Hypertension 1996;10:455-9.

2.    Inoue K, Hirayama Y, Igarashi M. A medical school for rural areas. Medical Education 1997;31:430-4.

3.    Inoue K, Nago N, Matsuo H, Goto T, Miyamoto T, Saegusa T, Ishikawa S, Kario K, Nakamura Y, Igarashi M. Serum insulin and lipoprotein(a) concentrations. The Jichi Medical School Cohort Study. Diabetes Care 1997;20:1242-7.

4.    Inoue K, Okuno M, Yamada T, Turuda K, Orimo K, Waza K, Igarashi M. Trial of rural practice evaluation: mutual rotation by family physicians. Family Practice 1997;14:293-4.

5.    Ishikawa S, Kario K, Nago N, Kayaba K, Hiraoka J, Matsuo H, Goto T, Miyamoto T, Tsutsumi A, Nakamura Y, Shimada K, Inoue K, Igarashi M. Factor VII and fibrinogen levels examined by age, sex, and other atherosclerotic risk factors in a Japanese population. The Jichi Medical School Cohort Study. Thrombosis and Haemostosis 1997;77:890-3.

6.    Inoue K. Protecting Japan from influenza. Nature Medicine 1999;5:592.

7.    Inoue K. Japan's tobacco tragedy. Nature Medicine 1999;5:1091.

8.    Inoue K. A doctor should be a patient patient. Lancet 1999;35:438.

9.    Inoue K. Bureaucracy blights Japan's safety record. Nature 1999;402:229-30.

10.  Inoue K, Yoshii K, Ito H. Effect of aging on cardiothoracic ratio in women: a longitudinal study. Gerontology 1999;45:53-8.

11.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Integrating traditional medicine in Japan: the case of Kampo medicines. Complementary Therapies is Medicine 1999;7:254-5.

12.  Waza K, Graham AV, Zyzanski SJ, Inoue K. Comparison of symptoms in Japanese and American depressed primary care patients. Family Practice 1999;16:528-33.

13.  Inoue K. A closed door opens: organ transplantation from brain dead donors. Transplantation 2000;69:455.

14.  Inoue K. Macro creatine kinase type 1: a clinically significant marker? Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2000;38:379.

15.  Inoue K, Matoba S, Sugita Y, Okuno M. A comparative study of rural clinics in remote islands and inland areas. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2000;12:22-6.

16.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M. Karo jisatsu (suicide from overwork): a spreading occupational threat. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;57:284-5.

17.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M. Daybreak of AIDS epidemic in Japan. AIDS patient care and STDs 2000;14:293-4.

18.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K. Kampo medicine training in Japanese medical schools. Academic Medicine 2000;75:1-2.

19.  Inoue K, Matoba S. Counterattack of re-emerging tuberculosis after 38 years. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases 2001;5:873-5.

20.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M. Homebound status in a community-dwelling elderly population in Japan. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2001;13:109-15.

21.  Inoue K, Sawada T. Creeping osteoporosis in young Japanese women. Jichi Medical School Journal 2001;24:105-8.

22.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Rural practice evaluation: how do rural physicians evaluate their working conditions? Australian Journal of Rural Health 2001;9:64-8.

23.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Words of Tohkaku Wada: medical heritage in Japan. Journal of Medical Ethics 2001;27:55-8.

24.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. The living conditions of rural doctors in Japan. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2001;9:264.

25.  Inoue K. Nature and nurture in diabetes epidemic. Diabetes Practical International 2002;19:35-6.

26.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Igarashi M. Short term locum tenens for rural practice: a trial of a Japanese medical school. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2002;10:80-6.

27.  Inoue K. Highly pathogenic avian flu, Japan. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2004;10:1327-8.

28.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M. Japan's new postgraduate medical training system. Clinical Teacher 2004;1:39-41.

29.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K. Innovative research from a rural practice: a blue dahlia? Australian Journal of Rural Health 2004;12:224-5.

30.  Matsumoto M, Okayama M, Inoue K, Kajii E. High-tech rural clinics and hospitals in Japan: a comparison to the Japanese average. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2004;12:215-9.

31.  Inoue K, Kobayashi Y, Hanamura H, Toyokawa S. Association of periodontitis with increased white blood cell count and blood pressure. Blood pressure

32.  Inoue K. Association of periodontitis with blood pressure: response. Blood 2005;14:53-8.pressure 2005;14:384.

33.  Matsumoto M, Okayama M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Factors associated with rural doctors' intention to continue a rural career: a survey of 3072 doctors in Japan. Australian Journal of Rural Health 2005;13:219-25.

34.  Inoue K, Shono T, Matsumoto M. Absence of outdoor activity and mortality risk in older adults living at home. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2006;18:203-11.

35.  Inoue K, Shono T, Toyokawa S, Kawakami M. Body mass index as a predictor of mortality in community-dwelling seniors. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2006;18:205-10.

36.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Fasting plasma glucose and its relationship to future diabetes mellitus and white blood cell count: a longitidinal study in a rural Japanese population. Jichi Medical School Journal 2006;29:115-23.

37.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Kobayashi Y. The combination of fasting plasma glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin predicts type 2 diabetes in Japanese workers. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2007;77:451-8.

38.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Sawada T. Evaluation of a medical school for rural doctors. Journal of Rural Health 2007;23:183-7.

39.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Shono T, Toyokawa S, Moriki A. Increased intima media thickness and atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid artery as risk factors for silent brain infarcts. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2007;16:14-20.

40.  Inoue M, Toyokawa S, Miyoshi Y, Miyano Y, Suzuki T, Suyama Y, Inoue K, Kobayashi Y. Degree of agreement between weight perception and body mass index of Japanese workers: MY Health Up Study. Journal of Occupational Health 2007;49:376-81.

41.  Maeno T, Inoue K, Yamada K, Maeno T, Sato T. Indicators of a major depressive episode in primary care patients with a chief complaint of headache. Headache 2007;47:1303-10.

42.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K. Predictors of institutionalization in elderly people living at home: the impact of incontinence and commode use in rural Japan. Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology 2007;22:421-32.

43.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Moriki A. Associations of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and carotid atherosclerotic lesions with silent cerebral lesions. Hypertension Research 2007;30:767-73.

44.  Sugiyama T, Xie D, Graham-Maar RC, Inoue K, Kobayashi Y, Stettler N. Dietary and lifestyle factors associated with blood pressure among U.S. adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health 2007;40:166-72.

45.  Takayashiki A, Inoue K, Okayama M, Nakamura Y, Matsumoto M, Otaki J, Kajii E. Primary care education for undergraduates in Japan: is it enough to increase student interest in and career preference for primary care? Education for Primary Care 2007;18:156-64.

46.  Waza K, Inoue K, Matsumura S. Symptoms associated with parvovirus B19 infection in adults: a pilot study. Internal medicine 2007;46:1975-8.

47.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Miyoshi Y, Kobayashi Y. Elevated liver enzymes in women with a family history of diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2008;79:e4-7.

48.  Shono T, Inoue K, Moriki A, Kobayashi Y. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a hypothetical screening system for detecting silent cerebral infarction in Japanese employees. Ningen Dock 2008;22:9-14.

49.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Characteristics of medical students with rural origin: Implications for selective admission policies. Health Policy 2008;87:194-202.

50.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Akimoto K. Fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c as risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 2008;25:1157-63.

51.        Senba T, Kobayashi Y, Inoue K, Kaneto C, Inoue M, Toyokawa S, Suyama Y, Suzuki T, Miyano Y, Miyoshi Y. The association between self-reported periodontitis and coronary heart disease--from MY Health Up Study. Journal of Occupational Health 2008;50:283-7.

52.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. A contract-based training system for rural physicians: follow-up of Jichi Medical University graduates (1978-2006). Journal of Rural Health 2008;24:360-8.

53. Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Long-term effect of the home prefecture recruiting scheme of Jichi Medical University, Japan. Rural and Remote Health 2008;8:930.

54.  Kaneto C, Toyokawa S, Inoue K, Kobayashi Y. Gender difference in physician workforce participation in Japan. Health policy 2009;89:115-23.

55.  Minami M, Kobayashi Y, Toyokawa S, Inoue K, Takeshita Y. Risk factors for new-onset atrial fibrillation during routine medical checkups of Japanese male workers. International Heart Journal 2009;50:457-64.

56.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Noguchi S, Toyokawa S, Kajii E. Community characteristics that attract physicians in Japan: a cross-sectional analysis of community demographic and economic factors. Human Resource for Health 2009;7:12.

57.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Bowman R, Noguchi S, Kajii E. Physician scarcity is a predictor of further scarcity in US, and a predictor of concentration in Japan. Health Policy 2009.

58.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Toyokawa S, Kobayashi Y. Transition of physician distribution (1980-2002) in Japan and factors predicting future rural practice. Rural and Remote Health 2009;9:1070.

59.  Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Akimoto K. The threshold for definition of impaired fasting glucose in a Japanese population. Diabetic Medicine 2009;26:1175-8.

60.  Tomio J, Toyokawa S, Tanihara S, Inoue K, Kobayashi Y. Quality of care for diabetes patients using National Health Insurance claims data in Japan. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2010;16:1164-9.

61.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E, Takeuchi K. Retention of physicians in rural Japan: concerted efforts of the government, prefectures, municipalities and medical schools. Rural and Remote Health 2010;10:1432.

62.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Policy implications of a financial incentive programme to retain a physician workforce in underserved Japanese rural areas. Social Science and Medicine 2010;71:667-71.

63.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kajii E. Definition of "rural" determines the placement outcomes of a rural medical education program: analysis of Jichi Medical University graduates. Journal of Rural Health 2010;26:234-9.

64.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Farmer J, Inada H, Kajii E. Geographic distribution of primary care physicians in Japan and Britain. Health Place 2010;16:164-6.

65.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Bowman R, Noguchi S, Toyokawa S, Kajii E. Geographical distributions of physicians in Japan and US: Impact of healthcare system on physician dispersal pattern. Health Policy 2010;96:255-61.

66.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Bowman R, Noguchi S, Kajii E. Physician scarcity is a predictor of further scarcity in US, and a predictor of concentration in Japan. Health Policy 2010;95:129-36.

67.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Bowman R, Kajii E. Self-employment, specialty choice, and geographical distribution of physicians in Japan: A comparison with the United States. Health Policy 2010;96:293-44.

68.  Kachi Y, Inoue K, Toyokawa S. Associations between contractual status, part-time work, and intent to leave among professional caregivers for older people: results of a national cross-sectional survey in Japan. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2010;47:1028-36.

69.  Inoue M, Inoue K, Matsumura S. Hypertensive patients' perceptions of their physicians' knowledge about them: a cross-sectional study in Japan. BMC Family Practice 2010;11:56.

70.  Tomio J, Toyokawa S, Tanihara S, Inoue K, Kobayashi Y. Quality of care for diabetes patients using National Health Insurance claims data in Japan. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2010;16:1164-9.

72.  Araki Y, Matsuyama Y, Kobayashi Y, Toyokawa S, Inoue K, Suzuki S, Makimoto A. Secondary neoplasms after retinoblastoma treatment: retrospective cohort study of 754 patients in Japan. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2011;41:373-9.  

73.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K. Earthquake, tsunami, radiation leak, and crisis in rural health in Japan. Rural and Remote Health 2012;11:1759.

74.  Nomura K, Inoue K, Akimoto K. A two-step screening, measurement of HbA1c in association with FPG, may be useful in predicting diabetes. PLoS One 2012;7:e36309.

75.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kashima S, Takeuchi K. Does the insufficient supply of physicians worsen their urban-rural distribution? A Hiroshima-Nagasaki comparison. Rural and Remote Health 2012;12:2085.

76.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kashima S, Takeuchi K. Characteristics of physicians, their migration patterns and distance: a longitudinal study in Hiroshima, Japan. Rural and Remote Health 2012;12:2027.

77.  Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Kashima S, Takeuchi K. Characteristics of physicians, their migration patterns and distance: a longitudinal study in Hiroshima, Japan. Rural and Remote Health 2012;12:2027.

78.  Kaneto C, Toyokawa S, Inoue K, Inoue M, Senba T, Suyama Y, Miyoshi Y, Kobayashi Y. Association between Periodontal Disease and Peptic Ulcers among Japanese Workers: MY Health Up Study. Global Journal of Health Science 2012;4:42-9.

79.  Inoue M, Inoue K, Akimoto K. Effects of age and sex in the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes using glycated haemoglobin in Japan: the Yuport Medical Checkup Centre study. PLoS One 2012;7:e40375.

80.  Inoue K, Kashima S, Ohara C, Matsumoto M, Akimoto K. Concordance of two diabetes diagnostic criteria using fasting plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c: the Yuport Medical Checkup Centre study. PLoS One 2012;7:e47747.

81.  Inoue K, Inoue M, Matsumoto M, Akimoto K. Persistent fasting hyperglycaemia is more predictive of Type 2 diabetes than transient fasting hyperglycaemia. Diabetic Medicine 2012;29:e75-81.

82. Ohara C, Inoue K, Kashima S, Inoue M, Akimoto K. Undiagnosed diabetes has poorer profiles for cardiovascular and metabolic markers than known diabetes: the Yuport Medical Checkup Center Study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2013;101:e7-10.

83.  Kashima S, Inoue K, Matsumoto M, Akimoto K. Do non-glycaemic markers add value to plasma glucose and hemoglobin a1c in predicting diabetes? Yuport Health Checkup Center Study. PLoS One 2013;8:e66899.

84.  Hatano Y, Matsumoto M, Inoue K, Takeuchi K. Rurality and participation in mass preventive health services: a nationwide descriptive study. Rural and Remote Health Hiroshima Journal of Medical Science. 2013;62:43-8.